The Aftermath
Time Magazine referred to the case as the social-media trial of the century. CNN and NBC set up two-storey air-conditioned structures outside the court building. Anthony had posted the following message on MySpace on 7 July 2008: “What is given can be taken away. Everyone lies, everyone dies.” Time Magazine referred to the Twitter account NinthCircuitFL as the most trustworthy, giving live feedback to ardent followers. Posts on Facebook came in too fast to be counted.
One newspaper predicted the trial would cost more than that of OJ Simpson. Another headline read: 'Monster Mom partying four days after tot dies'. People fought with each other outside the courtroom to gain access to one of the fifty seats allocated for the public. More than five hundred people waited outside the courtroom for the verdict and a female news anchor was so upset when she had to read the verdict that her colleagues had to assist her.
Members of the jury later indicated that lack of evidence was the reason for the verdict.
Besides the civil law suit of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales, Anthony is facing suits from the Texas EquuSearch who assisted in the search for Caylee. A Florida judge also ruled that she pay almost $ 250 000.00 to law enforcement agencies for investigation costs.
Law makers in four states have begun drafting legislation enforcing parents or guardians to inform authorities of a child’s disappearance within a specific timeline. This law is dubbed Caylee’s Law.
Some of the letters Anthony wrote when she was incarcerated have been released. In one she writes: 'I had a dream not too long ago that I was pregnant. It was like having Cays all over again.'