9 August 2005 Caylee Marie Anthony’s birth
March 2008 Computer searches regarding chloroform on Anthony home computer
15 June 2008 Caylee last seen alive at great-grandfather’s residence
16 June 2008 Anthony and Caylee leave the family home
27 June 2008 Anthony and friend Tony Lazzaro seen at nightclub after she dumped the car that day
15 July 2008 George retrieves Pontiac car smelling of decomposition
16 July 2008 Cindy reports Caylee missing for 31 days
16 July 2008 Anthony arrested for the first time
11 August 2008 Roy Kronk reports something suspicious in the woods
21 August 2008 Anthony released on bond
29 August 2008 Anthony re-arrested on cheque fraud
30 August 2008 Texas EquuSearch commences
5 September 2008 Anthony released on bail, bond paid by parents
15 September 2008 Anthony turns herself in due to more cheque fraud
16 September 2008 Anthony released on bond
14 October 2008 Anthony charged with first degree murder, child abuse, manslaughter and lying to the police
15 October 2008 Judge ordered she be held without bond
28 October 2008 Anthony pleads not guilty
11 December 2008 Caylee’s body is discoveredJanuary 2010 Anthony pleads guilty to 13 cases of unrelated check fraud
24 May 2011 Trial commences
5 July 2011 Anthony found not guilty on all charges except for four relating to providing false statements to the police
7 July 2011 Anthony sentenced
17 July 2011 Anthony released
August 2011 Anthony reportedly serving probation for the cheque fraud in an undisclosed location in Florida