Adrian Trevor Moore: The predatory police officer
Cops Gone BadContent Warning: The following article contains references to several violent crimes such as extreme degradation and beastiality that some readers may find distressing. For help and support, please visit our Advice and Support webpage.
The new series of Cops Gone Bad with Will Mellor delves into the ultimate betrayal of trust: when serving police officers abandon their duty and commit horrific crimes. Series two is available now on Crime+Investigation.
Police officers are meant to be protectors of the public. We look up to them, as they work hard to ensure the safety of everyday citizens. Their job literally revolves around protecting and serving, after all. That’s why it is always so shocking when members of the police force abuse their power and use it to harm rather than help.
One particularly noteworthy police officer who used his position to commit heinous crimes is Adrian Trevor Moore. Moore sexually abused at least 13 different women after drugging them during and after his time in the police force.
Join us here at Crime+Investigation as we dive deeper into the despicable case of the predatory police officer Adrian Trevor Moore.
Who is Adrian Trevor Moore
Adrian Trevor Moore is a former senior police constable who worked for the Western Australia Police Force. Moore hails from Kelmscott, a suburb in Perth, and he joined the force in 1990.
Not much is known about Moore’s early life prior to his work in the police, but we do know that he was a relatively well decorated officer during his career. He was respected and his work was admired, so much so that he was once nominated for the Western Australia Police Force’s Police Officer of the Year Award.
The crimes of Adrian Trevor Moore
In October 2022, Adrian Trevor Moore was found guilty of drugging and sexually abusing 13 women, though this number could be much higher. Moore was also found guilty of recording the women without their consent during his abusive acts.
Moore was a BDSM enthusiast, but he was also highly misogynistic. His violent acts against the women he targeted left them beaten and bloodied. He also degraded his victims during his attacks by urinating in their mouths.
Moore found victims via dating apps, primarily using Tinder and RSVP. His role as a police officer allowed him to lure those he met into a false sense of security. He gained their trust and then took advantage of them, as heard by the court. He even went a step further with this, as he raped one victim while wearing his police uniform.
In addition, Moore also used his status to access restricted police records for selected victims. He admitted to accessing information on these systems 180 times.
After meeting his victims and obtaining their trust, Moore would drug them by slipping unknown substances into their drinks. This allowed him to take full advantage of them and sexually assault them.
Moore’s violent fascination with BDSM led him to inflict significant pain to those he abused. Not only did he physically assault his victims sexually and generally, but he also engaged in bestiality with them and would often use objects when abusing them.
Moore’s victims would not remember the abuse that they suffered due to the heavy dose of drugs that he gave them. Because of this, Moore was able to continue his attacks for over a decade.
The investigation that caught Adrian Trevor Moore
It wasn’t until 2018, 11 years after his attacks began, that Moore’s sickening crimes began to unravel. It was a fellow officer from the Western Australia Police Force who started the ball rolling.
The female officer had been assaulted by Moore, and she reported him to Internal Affairs. His computer was seized during the investigation, and it was then the true extent of his crimes came to light.
Thousands of images and videos of women being assaulted were found. However, the unit believed that the women were consenting. Because of this, Moore was only charged for misuse of computer systems and jailed for six months. It wouldn’t be until four years later, in 2022, that justice would finally be served.
Adrian Trevor Moore’s convictions
Moore was sentenced to 30 years in prisons for his offences. Some of his charges included indecent assault, sexual penetration without consent, animal cruelty and recording intimate images without consent. The images and videos shown to the court were so horrific that many of the jurors who had to see them needed counselling after the case.
Moore’s actions were premeditated and predatory, and his imprisonment will hopefully offer some comfort to his numerous victims, who have suffered more than enough.
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