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I am a Killer: Sneak Peek
In this exclusive sneak peek, we see the prisoners discuss, in their own words what happened.
I am a Killer: Episode Guide
Here's a taster of each of the episodes including information on each of the featured inmates.
Law of Parties' - Texas' Very Strange Rule
To be guilty of a crime, you don’t need to have actually committed it, just to have helped the thing take place.
Jail Murders: Why Inmates Kill Behind Bars
Delving into the world of prison murders and looking to answer the question of why inmates kill behind bars.
Los Narcosatánicos: Drugs, Cults, Voodoo & Human Sacrifice
Half drug-peddlers, half black magic cult, Los Narcosatánicos practised occult rituals in order to ‘bless’ their deals
Interview with Nick Yarris who Wrongly Spent 22 Years on Death Row
How does someone cope with being sentenced to death when they are innocent?
I Am A Killer: Joshua Nelson
"At times I feel like I deserve forgiveness, that I'm redeemable..."
I am a Killer: Charles Thompson
"I never meant for her to get hurt. I loved her."
I am a Killer: Wayne Doty
"I'm a violent individual, that's just the way I am. That's what's been embedded in me since I was a kid.”
I am a Killer: David Lewis
There’s no hope when you’re in here. When you’re guilty… Accept it.
I am a Killer: Miguel Martinez
“Satan wants their souls...”
I am a Killer: Justin Dickens
Vulnerable teen, Justin Dickens was coerced into a botched robbery that led to an innocent man's death. He won't be free till 2034.
I am a Killer: James Robertson
No one wants to be on Death Row...with the exception of James Robertson, that is.
I am a Killer: Kenneth Foster
He was sitting 70 ft away in his car when the murder took place yet he still ended up on death row
Pros & Cons of Capital Punishment
Do you believe in Capital Punishment?
Mark Sam Arthur
I’m not saying it was right for me to take another person’s life. But sometimes it has to happen'
I Am a Killer 2: Toby Williams
I would say that my life has been mostly valley low experiences...'
I am a killer 2: Brandon Hutchinson
I was just worried about staying alive'
I Am a Killer: 2 Charles Armentrout III
I think it’s fair to say that I destroyed my family a long time ago when I shot my father
I Am A Killer 2: Cavona Flenoy
It’s not right to take a person’s life. It’s wrong. If I could take it back, I would.'
I AM A KILLER 2: David Barnett
'I think I wanted the world to feel my pain.'
I Am a Killer 2: Linda Couch
I probably would not have ended up in here had I just went ahead and divorced him
I Am a Killer 2: Joseph Murphy
I was kind of happy to be sent to Death Row because I was treated better there than at home
I Am a Killer 2: Leo Little
I’ve reconciled with my god and now I’d like to reconcile with the people that I’ve hurt the most.'
I Am a Killer 2: Lindsay Haugen
Once you’ve killed someone, you can’t just go back to being normal'
I am a Killer 2: episodes
I Am a KIller 2: trailer
There is more than one side to a killer
I am a Killer: Trailer
In association with Netflix, I Am a Killer (10 x 60 mins) profiles ten prisoners convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death.
I am a Killer 2: sneak peek
Episode 1 of I am a Killer focuses on Lindsey Haugen who strangled her boyfriend, Robert Mast to death.
I Am a Killer
Was it Texas killer Charles Thompson's fault or the hospital's? - I Am A Killer
After shooting his ex-girlfriend and her lover, Charles Thompson is charged with manslaughter, but that changes when his ex also dies due to a mistake at the hospital.
Top 3 reactions when the killers watched interviews about them - I Am a Killer
Featuring never before seen footage with unprecedented access to prisons across America
Convict kills cellmate to get on death row - I Am A Killer
As a result of his violent and unpredictable nature, James Robertson spent 20 years in close management confinement.
Sentenced to death for another man's crime? - I Am A Killer
Kenneth Foster was given the death penalty for his involvement in a fatal shooting, despite never firing a shot.