Making a Monster: The Tapes: Professor Paul Britton on Rose West
Making a MonsterProfessor Paul Britton is an expert criminal profiler, having spent more than 20 years working as a consultant clinical and forensic psychologist, as well as being the former head of the Regional Forensic Psychology Service for Trent. He previously advised the Home Office and Association of Chief Police Officers Crime Committee on offender profiling, and currently teaches clinical and forensic psychology at Birmingham City University.
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Making a Monster: The Tapes features interviews recorded by Monster Films for the Crime+Investigation TV series, and was hosted by Cherry Healey, produced by Sam Pearson and Chloe Frost, with editing by Joel Porter.
For exclusive extra interviews from the series you can also subscribe to Making a Monster: The Tapes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Acast or wherever you listen to podcasts.