The Accepted San Francisco Zodiac Victims20 December 1968 - David Arthur Faraday, 17 (shot and killed) 20 December 1968 - Betty Lou Jensen, 16 (shot and killed) 4 July 1969 - Michael Renault Mageau, 19 (shot and survived) 4 July 1969 - Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin, 22 (shot and killed) 27 September 1969 - Bryan Calvin Hartnell, 20 (stabbed and survived) 27 September 1969 - Cecelia Ann Shepard, 22 (stabbed and died) 11 October 19 - Paul Lee Stine, 29 (shot and killed)The Inconclusively Proposed San Francisco Zodiac Victims4 June 1963 - Robert Domingos, 18 4 June 1963 - Linda Edwards, 17 30 October 1966 - Cheri Jo Bates, 18 22 March 1970 - Kathleen Johns, 22 (abducted and escaped) Donna Lass, 25 (missing since 26 September 1970, body never found)The New York Zodiac Victims9 March 1990 - Mario Orozco, 49 (shot and survived) 29 March 1990 - German Montenesdro, 34 (shot and survived) 31 May 1990 – Joseph Proce, 78 (shot and died) 21 June 1990 – Larry Parham (shot and survived) 10 August 1992, Patricia Fonti, 39 (shot and died) 4 June 1992 – Jim Weber, 42 (shot and survived) 20 July 1992 – Joseph Diacone, 40 (shot and died) 2 October 1992 – Diane Ballard, 40 (shot and survived) 10 June 1994 – white man (shot but incident unreported)Arrested 18 June 1996 - Heriberto Seda, 22Trial 15 May 1998 - Queens, New YorkConvicted 20 June 1998 – murder and attempted murderSentenced 152 years in prison