The Aftermath
After quickly realising Suzy’s never coming back, Diana Lamplugh pours her grief into some positive action and sets up the Suzy Lamplugh Trust. She becomes a tireless campaigner for the improvement of personal safety training and education for men, women and children. Her work is recognised in 1992 when she’s awarded an OBE. The Trust becomes a force for good and notches up a number of achievements. Notably it becomes the “driving force behind the 1998 act to license private hire vehicles.” - Rachel Griffin, Director Suzy Lamplugh Trust. Its aim to reduce the number of rapes and sexual assaults which are linked to unlicensed and illegal minicab drivers.In addition it runs the National Stalking Helpline, which has supported 10,000 victims of stalking in the last four years. It’s campaigned and succeeded in changing the law for stalking to now be recognised as a criminal offence. This is something Diana Lamplugh felt very strongly about. She remains convinced that Suzy, was herself, a victim of stalking. Sadly Diana dies after a stroke on 18 August 2011. She’s survived by her husband and three remaining children. She will never know what really happened to her daughter on the day of her disappearance. Despite Suzy’s body never being found, the police name John Cannan as their main suspect and likely killer. To this day they have not been able to obtain a confession or bring him to trial. Cannan continues to deny his involvement. He has however made this comment to a solicitor.
I may well tell all when my mother dies
Whether he does or not remains to be seen.