The Arrest
“Go and arrest him” Detective Superintendent Ian Forbes from Scotland Yard’s Murder Squad 14 November 1968, (Birmingham Mail, 4 May 2011)
DCs Joseph and Atkins produce a nine page report detailing their findings and on 14 November they hand it to the officers leading the investigation. Less than two hours later Detective Superintendent Ian Forbes tells them to arrest Morris. They do so early the next morning.
A warrant is obtained to search Morris’s home and indecent photographs of a five-year-old girl are discovered. The photographs, taken in August 1965, are found to be of Carol Morris’s five-year-old niece.
Detective Forbes puts it to Morris that he is not telling the truth regarding the death of Christine Darby, that he did in fact murder the little girl. Morris remains ‘cool, calm and collected’ during the interviews until he is told his wife has retracted her alibi for him. Upon hearing this Morris becomes upset and puts his head in his hands, saying, ‘Oh God. She wouldn’t…’. He is shaking his head, in a mixture of disbelief and the knowledge that he is in serious trouble.
On 16 November 1968, Morris is taken to Cannock court and formally charged with the murder of Christine Darby. He is also charged with two counts of indecent assault on Carol’s niece and the attempted abduction of Margaret Aulton.