A true crime podcast host's recommendations for every occasion
Diana Safieh co-hosts a true crime podcast with her sister Randa. Check out the Switchblade Sisters Social Club, a podcast where two sisters exploit their worst fears, for your entertainment.
Best series to binge on
Sweet Bobby can be listened to in one sitting and will make you wary about ever talking to anyone ever again. This is one of the most intricate cases of catfishing you will ever hear and the big reveal will blow your mind.
Best for Hollywood scandal
HeidiWorld is the 10-parter on former Hollywood madam, Heidi Fleiss. The stories and names on this podcast will shock you. This one is also great for some ‘90s nostalgia.
Best to listen to on a road trip with a group of friends who aren’t into true crime
Twisted Britain is hosted by friends Bob and Ali, who come at you with the most adorable Scottish accents. A different case is covered each time, so they can be listened to as standalone episodes. And if you are stuck with non-true-crime-enthusiasts and don’t know what to talk about seeing as they don't care about your serial killer facts, Twisted Britain has loads of non-gory episodes to share with them, such as the highly recommended episode 57, Dreadnought Hoax.
Best for standalone episodes
If you are looking to delve into just one or two episodes, rather than having a full-on binge-fest, try True Crime & Cocktails. It took me an embarrassingly long time to work out that one of the hosts is Dina from the sit-com Superstore. Their Glee Curse (episode 46) episode has won awards and is a great introduction to their work.
Best classic true crime podcast
Whereas Serial was my first, My Favourite Murder will always hold a special place in my heart. Sure, I drift off to see if the grass is greener. It is not, it’s just different. So I always come back to Georgia and Karen.
Best for making yourself sound smarter at a dinner party
We aren’t always around other people who appreciate our true crime facts. In those rare instances, Wine & Crime comes in handy. Not only are these girls hilarious (comedy and true crime doesn’t sound like they should go together, but it can be done), but they pair each type of crime with a wine, so you can walk about with some soundbites to regurgitate in polite society. For example, in episode 24, they paired Trust Fund Murders with Blue Nun 24K Sparkling White (who knew that was a thing?).
Best for understanding the socio-political situation in Ireland, while having a laugh
Bet you didn’t know this could be a category. Murder Most Irish has long been one of my go-to's.
Best for when you are sick of listening to middle-aged white women talking about true crime
The Scream Queer Podcast comes at cases with a queer perspective, often covering crimes against, by and within the LGBTQIA+ community. Host Ralph Anthony likes to talk about paranormal stuff too, so that’s always fun.
Best for unsolved cases
If you can stomach unsolved cases, or fancy doing a little bit of armchair detective work, Crimepedia is the one for you. Usually covering little-known unsolved murders and missing persons cases, the hosts work with law enforcement and families to try to seek justice for the victims.
Best for never being able to sleep again
I first learned about Morbidology initially from reading host Emily G. Thompson’s book on cults. Known for her in-depth covering of child murder cases, this podcast is so well-researched and absolutely fascinating.
Best for haunted houses
It is not a surprise that the coffee table/dentist waiting room magazine House Beautiful has a podcast. Everyone does these days. But did you know it is entirely focused on the strange histories of infamous homes? Dark House covers true crime, the paranormal and worst of all, bad interior design.
Best for the amazing guests
You might not hear this often, but I find an Essex accent adorable and endearing. that’s part of the reason why I am a big fan of Blue Murder Club. Another reason is the quality of guests they secure. They manage to snag Gail Porter, Shaun Atwood, and us, to name a few!
Best for if you need a break from true crime
It happens to the best of us, but sometimes we need some downtime from all that murdery business. In those moments, I go for Ologies. Alie Ward interviews an expert in a different field each time. You will be hooked from episode one on Volcanology (did you know your eyeballs dry out as you get close to lava?), and you will bump up your random info bank for the next pub quiz.